target word

英 [ˈtɑːɡɪt wɜːd] 美 [ˈtɑːrɡɪt wɜːrd]

网络  目标词; 目标字



  1. Target industries include developers of word processors, HTML editing tools, website development tools, image creation and manipulation tools, and multimedia production tools.
  2. Instead of hitting the target, the bullet flew over the target, which led to the word overshoot.
  3. If the target is not killed by Shadow Word: Death, the caster takes damage equal to the damage inflicted upon the target.
  4. For each input pair, your program should produce a sorted list of valid sequences of I and o which produce the target word from the source word.
  5. This article would summarize the translator's translation characteristics and analysis the translator's way to reproduce the information and style from four cases& target title, word choice, sentence structure and textural attitude.
  6. The method combines two existing algorithms and guarantees that the boundary polygons of the triangulations preserve convexity all the time during the morphing, and the intermediate triangulation at any time is compatible with the source and target triangulations, or in another word, free of self-intersection.
  7. Target word selection in English Chinese machine translation is studied using the machine learning approach.
  8. Translation Selection Modeling Based on Feasibility Evaluation of Target Word Combination
  9. Target word selection in machine translation based on machine learning
  10. Such as in word, Application target express word application program, sub target of it contain menu fence, tool fence, corresponding target that word order etc. of word, and the file target, etc.
  11. Using the semantic categories of words in the context as features, the approach is proved effective when it is applied to target word selection.
  12. Therefore, Chinese taboo words to attentional blink the effect of words and relies on target detection word processing methods, And independent of the attention of the subjects were set.
  13. Its purpose is to inspect whether the error word interferes with the target word selection of overseas students when they confront the error word and the target word.
  14. For the polysemous words that they have learned, most students could only acquire one basic conceptual meaning and they are quite weak in the knowledge of word collocations and different meanings of a particular target word.
  15. Low working memory capacity was tested in two conditions, significant differences, the focus word in the situation before the target word, there has been more focus on the target word intrusion errors, and the memories are even worse.
  16. Following the theories from frame semantics, the precondition of understanding the lexical meaning involves knowing the semantic frame of the target word, the interrelation of the core elements within the frame and the compatible scenes at which the word can be used.
  17. Each reading material is composed of 10 short articles, each of which contains a different target word.
  18. And the main trial in evading the conditions of the target word to complete the phrase structure task, was under the threshold to start the hit rate of the target word was significantly higher than the baseline situation.
  19. Every target word has the collocation.
  20. Semantic analysis model of the main work is analyzing the content of the voice and extract target word, and choose the right animation type.
  21. The detection of target words as an index of attentional bias toward the target word.
  22. In order to touch the anticipative target, finally Microsoft Office Word has been selected as output terminal of this software.
  23. This article will evaluate collocation extraction problem is transformed into a sequence labeled problem, constructing the word itself, part of speech, dependence relationship, word location and other characteristics, based on conditional random field model extract comment text opinion target and emotional word with relationships.
  24. This paper makes use of the natural language processing, machine learning, statistical machine translation technology, in view of the network Chinese review information, extract the evaluation target and evaluation word collocation relations.
  25. That is to say, when you move the cursor to a given target word, the concordance of a search term corresponding to the target word would appear within less than half a second next to the target word.
  26. The Keyword Method exactly constructs an imagery link between the target word and the keyword.
  27. The Keyword Method artificially creates subjective associations between the target word and the previous knowledge of the learners and therefore facilitates vocabulary learning.
  28. When a new word comes into a sub-network, it sets up connection with words around it. This helps fix the target word in a suitable position.
  29. Through the error analysis of CLEC, it is found that in encoding activity Chinese learners need more information about meaning, collocation, grammar and register of a target word.